The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on July 11 a significant advancement in the fight against colorectal cancer: the proposal to cover CT colonography screening. This minimally invasive screening tool marks a pivotal step in providing more accessible and less intrusive cancer screening options for Medicare patients. 

CT colonography radiology offers a powerful – and accurate – alternative for detecting precancerous polyps without the need for anesthesia. The move promises a more comfortable experience for patients while maintaining the effectiveness of traditional diagnostic methods. 

In a prepared statement, the American College of Radiology (ACR) praised the move, calling it a “big step forward in providing Medicare patients access to a minimally invasive CRC screening tool that can detect precancerous polyps and does not require anesthesia.” 

Radiologists and radiology practices must prepare for an expected increase in imaging volumes following this announcement by becoming more proficient in virtual colonoscopy. CT colonography courses and training programs can provide the resources needed to gain expertise in this advanced screening technique to meet increased demand. 

What are the current guidelines for colorectal cancer screenings?

Preventative healthcare includes colorectal cancer screenings aimed at early detection and intervention. Current guidelines recommend several traditional screening methods, including colonoscopy, fecal occult blood tests (FOBT), and sigmoidoscopy. These methods have proven effective in identifying colorectal cancer and precancerous polyps, reducing the incidence and mortality rates associated with the disease. 

Colonoscopy is the gold standard. It involves a thorough examination of the entire colon using a flexible tube with a camera. Although effective, it requires bowel preparation, sedation, and recovery time, which deters some patients from undergoing the procedure. 

The benefits of CT colonography screening

In contrast, the newly proposed virtual colonoscopy offers a minimally invasive alternative. This innovative screening method isn’t new. It has existed for over 30 years and boasts numerous advantages over traditional colonoscopy. 

CTC requires less patient preparation and eliminates the need for sedation. Virtual colonoscopies also lower the risk of complications such as bowel perforation. 

The CMS’s recommendation of CT colonography screening represents a significant shift toward patient-friendly, accessible options. 

How do CT colonoscopy courses prepare radiologists?

As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services propose including CT colonography as a covered screening option for colorectal cancer, radiologists and radiology practices must adapt. Comprehensive training is essential to support this transition. 

Medality offers a comprehensive CT colonography course led by esteemed experts Dr. Judy Yee of Montefiore Medical Center and Dr. Kevin Chang from Boston Medical Center. The virtual colonoscopy course equips radiologists with the necessary skills and knowledge to proficiently conduct and interpret CTCs. 

Radiologists can take the online course at their convenience to educate themselves about every facet of CT colonography screenings. Key components of the course include:

Preview the course

Learn the basics of CT colonography radiology

The proposed inclusion of CT colonography as a Medicare-covered screening option marks a significant shift in the fight to detect colorectal cancer early. 

As this minimally invasive technique gains prominence, it is imperative for radiologists and radiology practices to stay ahead of the curve. CT Colonography courses offer an invaluable opportunity for medical professionals to gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in this emerging modality.

Radiologists play a critical role in diagnosing and treating medical conditions through advanced imaging techniques. Given their importance, it’s natural to wonder how much they make, especially if you’re considering a career in this field or are already established and looking to make a move to a higher-paying state. 

Radiologist salary can vary significantly across the U.S. Geographic location, level of education and training, years of experience, and any specialties factor into the range of salaries radiology professionals can expect.

Beyond location and subspecialties, factors like working in private practice versus an academic setting and working in leadership roles within the industry can affect a radiologist’s salary. 

Radiologist salary by state 2024

Medscape, an organization providing medical information for clinicians and medical scientists, created a comprehensive compensation report to help professionals compare their radiology salary to that of their peers in neighboring states. 

According to the findings, radiologists were the seventh highest-paid medical specialists in the U.S. behind plastic surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, urology, gastroenterology, and otolaryngology. The average income for radiologists was $437,000, reflecting a 10% increase in salaries and other types of compensation. 

While the report indicates that radiologist salary rose overall, 42% of practitioners experienced a decrease in their wages, primarily due to the pandemic. 

Medality has broken down the average radiologist salary by state based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Medscape’s salary report, and real-time salary information from ZipRecruiter to provide an overview of compensation radiologists can expect from each state. 

New York$409,782$197.01
New Hampshire$366,923$176.41
New Jersey$361,359$173.73
North Dakota$349,969$168.25
New Mexico$340,684$163.79
South Dakota$330,759$159.02
Rhode Island$324,751$156.13
South Carolina$297,986$143.26
North Carolina$291,836$140.31
West Virginia$289,796$139.33

How does location affect radiologist salary?

One quick glance at the radiology salary by state chart reveals the variation in wages based on location. Radiologists in New York enjoy an average annual salary of $409,782, while their counterparts in Arkansas earn $143,079 less for doing the same work. 

Cost of living plays a role in the disparities. However, it’s not the only reason why location impacts annual salary for these healthcare professionals. 

Supply and demand factors in as well. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) projects a radiologist shortage between 37,800 and 124,000 between now and 2034. Wyoming has one of the worst shortages, with an estimated 38.8 radiologists for every 100,000 Medicare enrollees in the state. The state offers a competitive wage – $357,458 annually – to attract and keep radiologists. They’re the seventh highest-paying state in our salary report. 

What role does experience play in radiologist salary?

Next to location, experience is the biggest influence on annual wages for radiologists. More experienced radiologists offer benefits such as faster workflows and greater proficiency at interpreting complex medical images thoroughly and accurately. 

With experience comes opportunities for advancement in the field, including leadership and management roles. Department chairs and chief medical officers are among the positions that typically come with higher salaries to accommodate for greater responsibilities. 

Radiologists with exceptional expertise can contribute leadership within national organizations such as the Radiological Society of North America and the Association of Educators of Imaging and Radiological Sciences

What kind of education earns the highest radiologist salary?

Completing a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), followed by completing a residency program in radiology, is the level of education needed to earn the highest radiologist salary. It takes more than a decade for most to fulfill these requirements. 

After meeting the educational requirements for becoming a radiologist, seeking board certification is the final step. While board certification isn’t required to work as a radiologist, it’s a valuable credential that can increase earnings. 

The role of subspecialty in radiology salary

Radiologists have the option of completing a fellowship in a subspecialty of radiology, which can further boost income levels. Roughly 90% of radiologists complete a fellowship that provides more advanced training in a specialized area. 

Some of the most common radiology fellowships that come with higher wages include:

Most fellowships last one to two years, during which time a radiologist can enhance their skills and subspecialties in high demand. The greater the demand, the higher the wages. 

How does academic vs. private practice affect annual earnings?

Private practice radiologists tend to earn higher annual salaries than their academic counterparts because their compensation is tied to productivity. The more patients they see and procedures they complete, the higher their income. 

Some private practices offer bonus structures or profit-sharing models that reward radiologists for meeting or exceeding targets or for otherwise contributing to the practice’s financial success. 

Radiology educators average annual salaries range between a low of $60,654 in North Carolina to a high of $96,206 in New York. 

Understanding the key elements influencing radiologist salary

Several key elements affect radiologist salary. Cost of living, demand for healthcare services, and geographic location are among the factors that impact salaries the most. 

While some radiologists may gravitate toward opportunities in the states offering the highest wages, it’s essential to consider other factors. Quality of life and opportunities for professional growth and advancement are attractive options for some radiologists that may influence their career path more strongly than income. 

To choose the best option for your radiology career, arm yourself with quality market intelligence and then develop a holistic approach to total compensation. 


  1. Your Income vs. Your Peers’: Medscape Radiologist Compensation Report 2023. Accessed March 14, 2024. 
  2. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2022, Radiologists. Accessed March 14, 2024. 
  3. What is the Average Radiologist Salary by State. Accessed March 14, 2024. 
  4. On the Way to RSNA23: What About That Radiologist Shortage? Accessed March 16, 2023.
  5. Physician workforce in the United States of America: forecasting nationwide shortages. Accessed March 16, 2024. 
  6. Radiological Society of North America. Accessed March 16, 2024. 
  7. Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiological Sciences (AEIRS). Accessed March 16, 2024. 
  8. The American Board of Radiology. Accessed March 16, 2024. 
  9. It’s time for the evolution – and revolution – of private practice. Accessed March 16, 2024. 
  10. What Is the Average Radiology Professor Salary by State? Accessed March 16, 2024. 

Planning on handing your radiology residents a gift certificate for one free coffee from the hospital coffee shop on February 23 to celebrate Thank a Resident Day? 

Complimentary caffeine might seem like an excellent way to thank them for their dedication. However, it’s an impersonal gesture that may feel low-effort rather than thoughtful. 

The last thing program directors and coordinators of radiology residency programs want is to make their residents feel unappreciated on the very day that’s meant to celebrate their contributions and achievements. 

As part of Medality’s ongoing commitment to providing value to administrators and residents, we recommend these 5 heartfelt ways to celebrate your radiology residents on Thank a Resident Day that are sure to be a hit. 

1 – Personalized tokens of appreciation

Personalized tokens of appreciation prove to your residents that they’re more than just personnel. Using their name and customizing a gift is more meaningful than handing every resident a free pair of argyle socks with your healthcare facility’s logo on them. 

Providing bespoke gifts means administrators must take time to get to know the likes and dislikes of their residents. Gifts don’t have to be expensive or grand to make an impression. 

For example, a perfect gift for a resident who depends on their SmartWatch is a personalized radiological band that has their name and radiology symbols on it. Not only is the gift practical, but it’s also meaningful. 

2 – Wellness initiatives

Thank a Resident Day is the perfect time to recognize the importance of resident well-being. Organize wellness initiatives that promote a healthy work-life balance. 

A holistic approach that addresses physical and mental health can show your residents how much you value them. Some ideas include:

3 – Appreciation video

This idea requires some advanced planning to pull off but it’s worth the effort.

Gather heartfelt testimonials from radiology program leaders, peers, and even patients who have benefited from your radiology residents’ dedication. Create a video collection of these messages of gratitude and share them with your residents during a special luncheon or other social gathering. 

Going the extra mile to produce the video can take a typical thank-you luncheon and kick it up a notch. If you want to go even further, make keepsake copies of the video available to your residents. 

4 – Professional development opportunities

Investing in the professional growth of your radiology residents benefits them and contributes to the overall success of your program. On Thank a Resident Day, offer unique professional development opportunities tailored to the needs and career goals of your residents to make it feel more like a gift and less like another requirement to cross off their to-do lists. 

Medality’s Academic Training Programs offer engaging, interactive, and highly effective educational experiences. Our custom curriculum planning and integration appeal to radiologists at all learning levels. 

Directors and coordinators of radiology residency programs can purchase a group membership to Medality to help your radiologists gain more insights into cases. With thousands of bite-sized case reviews and video lectures available to watch from anywhere, anytime, your residents easily can find something that appeals to their growth goals. 

5 – Adopt-a-resident

Directors and coordinators of radiology residency programs looking for an “outside the box” idea for Thank a Resident Day might want to consider implementing an adopt-a-resident program. 

Here’s how it might work. 

Invite members of the community who want to express their appreciation and support to radiology residents to sign up for the program. Then, match residents with community adopters who can send them cards with words of encouragement or even small tokens of appreciation throughout the year. 

Keep the community members anonymous. 

Then, at the end of the year, consider hosting a celebration where the residents can meet their community adopters. 

Help Radiology Residents Feel Genuinely Appreciated

Thank a Resident Day is an excellent opportunity for program directors and coordinators to recognize and reward radiology residents for their hard work and dedication. 

Don’t let your efforts fall flat. 

Personalizing expressions of gratitude, investing in progressional development, and creating a culture of appreciation and support serve as a reminder of their invaluable contributions and the bright future they represent.


  1. Academic Training Programs. Accessed January 26, 2024. 
  2. The Importance of Physical Activity in Preventing Fatigue and Burnout in Healthcare Workers. Accessed January 26, 2024.
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